This tutorial web page explains how to revision drawing in QA-CAD software and QA-CAD LT software. This operation is convenient to revise your PDF/CAD file with a updated version.
Basically what you need are :
1. Open an existing ballooned drawing file in QA-CAD or QA-CAD LT.
2. Select Export from QA menu. Type CVMX file name and press OK.
3. Close the existing ballooned drawing and open the revision drawing.
4. Select Import from QA menu. Select CVMX file which you created in Step2 and press OK.
5. Then the saved ballooned data (balloons or dimensions) are displayed in the revision drawing.
6. Move and edit only the balloons which need to be updated.
7. Press Save Markup Edits button on the file menu (This is for the work ballooned drawing).
If you import the CVMX file into the revised drawing and you find that the scale of balloons does not match,
please click here to proceed to the next tutorial 'how to adjust the scale of the balloons in the revised drawing' web page.
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